Keeping Our Ministry Running Smoothly
A Final Word
God never ceases to amaze me. He can do so much with so little. The way He can take something so simple (some might even say silly) like a drama presentation or some old-school rap music with scriptural lyrics, and He can use it to change thousands of lives and reach so many. |It humbles me how He takes someone that most would consider fairly ordinary, and I have seen Him use me in so many surprising and powerful ways. (1 Cor. 1:25-27)|I know for a fact that He does not use me because I am super-talented. I know that there are far better actors, directors, preachers, rappers, singers, carpenters, & MC’s than I. Even in spite of my past, my failures, my faults, my mistakes, and yes, my sins, He still uses a willing vessel. I think it’s simply because I’m still crazy enough to believe Him. I’m just crazy enough to believe that with God, all things are still possible (Matt 19:26), and that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Phil. 4:13) and so can you! Thank you and God bless, Pastor George Williams
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God never ceases to amaze me. He can do so much with so little. The way He can take something so simple (some might even say silly) like a drama presentation or some old-school rap music with scriptural lyrics, and He can use it to change thousands of lives and reach so many. |It humbles me how He takes someone that most would consider fairly ordinary, and I have seen Him use me in so many surprising and powerful ways. (1 Cor. 1:25-27)|I know for a fact that He does not use me because I am super-talented. I know that there are far better actors, directors, preachers, rappers, singers, carpenters, & MC’s than I. Even in spite of my past, my failures, my faults, my mistakes, and yes, my sins, He still uses a willing vessel. I think it’s simply because I’m still crazy enough to believe Him. I’m just crazy enough to believe that with God, all things are still possible (Matt 19:26), and that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Phil. 4:13) and so can you! Thank you and God bless, Pastor George Williams