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Our Mission


We are a diversified ministry that preaches the Gospel of Jesus Christ world-wide, while sharing God’s love in many practical, innovative, and artistic ways. The Lord has opened many doors for us to be able to provide for the needy in our local communities as well as supporting orphans and the poor in countries around the world. We are focused on the message of the Cross and reaching out to the lost by giving them hope and support as they connect with Jesus. We preach Jesus Christ; crucified, resurrected, and available to all who come to Him, just as they are, by faith, with a surrendered heart, asking for forgiveness, and willing to repent. 

We teach the following basic principles to help you to find and fulfill God’s greatest purpose for your life.

How would your life be transformed if you knew more about God’s Greatest Purpose for your life? What talents, abilities, and passions has God put inside you? What would you be doing? Who would you be helping? Who would you call on to help you? Where would you live? How much money would you need?

But before we get to those questions, let’s back up to the most fundamental and foundational question…
Please click below to read more

Thank you and God bless, Pastor George Williams


To help you to discover the gifts, talents, passions, and anointing that God has bestowed upon you.

Please click below to complete our thought-provoking questionnaire.

Thank you and God bless, Pastor George Williams


God never ceases to amaze me. He can do so much with so little. The way He can take something so simple (some might even say silly) like a drama presentation or some old-school rap music with scriptural lyrics, and He can use it to change thousands of lives and reach so many. |It humbles me how He takes someone that most would consider fairly ordinary, and I have seen Him use me in so many surprising and powerful ways. (1 Cor. 1:25-27)|I know for a fact that He does not use me because I am super-talented. I know that there are far better actors, directors, preachers, rappers, singers, carpenters, & MC’s than I. Even in spite of my past, my failures, my faults, my mistakes, and yes, my sins, He still uses a willing vessel. I think it’s simply because I’m still crazy enough to believe Him. I’m just crazy enough to believe that with God, all things are still possible (Matt 19:26), and that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Phil. 4:13) and so can you!

If you are looking for opportunities to use your gifts, talents and abilities to serve God and others here are a few ideas to start you off.

Thank you and God bless, Pastor George Williams

Are you looking for guidance toward finding powerful, creative, and effective ways to use your God-given gifts, talents, and abilities in the Kingdom of God? How do you begin your journey to discover God’s greatest purpose for your life? 

In other words, to find out more about the world of god click below to download the details.

Thank you and God bless, Pastor George Williams



God never ceases to amaze me. He can do so much with so little. The way He can take something so simple (some might even say silly) like a drama presentation or some old-school rap music with scriptural lyrics, and He can use it to change thousands of lives and reach so many.

It humbles me how He takes someone that most would consider fairly ordinary, and I have seen Him use me in so many surprising and powerful ways. (1 Cor. 1:25-27) I know for a fact that He does not use me because I am super-talented.

I know that there are far better actors, directors, preachers, rappers, singers, carpenters, & MC’s than I. Even in spite of my past, my failures, my faults, my mistakes, and yes, my sins, He still uses a willing vessel. I think it’s simply because I’m still crazy enough to believe Him. I’m just crazy enough to believe that with God, all things are still possible (Matt 19:26), and that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Phil. 4:13) and so can you!

Thank you and God bless, Pastor George Williams

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